Frank Home Care 24/7 focuses on providing the best home care services to meet the needs of our clients and their families. We put clients first while remaining culturally sensitive, using kind words, and ensuring comfortable, high quality care. To find the right care giver for your loved one, many people consider licensed and bonded agencies, like Frank Home Care 24/7 as opposed to a direct hire. Families sometimes believe they will save money by hiring a caregiver directly rather than working with an agency. Consider the following questions to help you decide if an agency is right for you.
Do you want to be an employer? If you hire someone directly, you become the employer and are fully responsible for the caregiver as an employee. By law, you will be responsible for filing payroll taxes, tax forms, and verifying that the employee can legally work in the U.S. Furthermore, direct hire caregivers who do not work for an agency do not carry their own liability insurance or worker’s compensation. If an accident or other incident occurs on the job, the employer, or client, would likely be responsible, costing the client hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Frank Home Care 24/7 takes another job off your plate. We employ and hire screened, skilled caregivers. As a home care agency, we are bonded, insured, and cover our employee’s worker’s compensation claims. You have enough to do. Let staffing be our task!
Do you have a back-up plan? Things come up and sometimes your direct hire employee can’t make it to work. How do you handle your care plan without your direct hire?
Frank Home Care 24/7 takes the guess work out of staffing concerns. We will provide a replacement if your scheduled caregiver cannot make it to work.
Can you vouch for your direct hire’s background? If hiring a caregiver directly, you’ll need to be able to assess the quality and skill level of the caregiver.
Frank Home Care 24/7 believes credibility is everything! We complete background checks on all of our employees and prepare them to work with the easiest companion care client to the dementia patient who requires the most nurturing provisions. We are responsible for training, disciplinary actions and terminating when necessary. We ask the tough questions in our interviews to make sure we hire the very best!
Frank Home Care 24/7 provides solutions to numerous problems that could emerge with a direct hire.